Sounding the Sistrum

(as of [price_update_date] - Details)

The origin of Sistrum 1
The oldest Sistrum 1
The Sistrum 2 of Naos
The Sistrum 3 with lasso
A sistrum of the Sixth Stone Dynasty 5
] Deities of the Sistrum 7
The Hidden Goddess in the Sistrum 8
Priestesses of the Sistrum 11
The Materials of the Sistrum 13
Number of Discs 16
The Rods or Bars 16
The picture 19
The sistrum in Plutarch 22
The hieroglyphic hieroglyph 22
Ants around the world 26
The sistrum of Ethiopia 29
The dog Barcoo of Australia 31
The Sensual Sistrum34
The Sistrum Scented 38
Some Suggested Scents for the Sistrum 39
Reproduction of the Sistrum 42
A Song for Sistra 46
Why we interpret the Sistrum 51
As a magical instrument: to attract 51
Sistra Plays 55
Th e Magic Sistrum 56
O chestrating Sistra 56
Sistrum First Aid 57
Changing the Sound of a Sistrum 58
The Magic Sistrum 60
Consecrating its Sistrum 60
Sistrum Purifications 63
How to use the Sistrum for blessing and Purify 64
Self-Purification with the Sistrum 66
Creating a Sistrum for a purpose 68
A Prosperity Sistrum Rite 69
A Sistrum Rite for Love 69
Scrying with the Sistrum 71
Blessing with the Sistrum 72
Offering the Sistrum to the Divine 73
Isis, the Festive Goddess 77
Blessing of the House with the Sistrum 78
The Sister in Coins 81
Collecting Sistra 84
Showing your Sistrum 85
Sista 89 with wooden frame
Sistrum Tales 97
Touching an old Sistrum 97
My search for Phis Sistrum 101
Appendix A: Make your own Sist rum 106
Appendix B: Imprisoned Sistrums 109
Selected Bibliography 111